Sleep Apnea In Warner Robins, GA

We Have A Simple Solution

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Is Sleep Apnea keeping you awake? Is snoring keeping your spouse awake? We have a simple solution - an alternative to the cumbersome CPAP
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Solea Sleep

Rapid relief for snoring

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The miracle we’ve been waiting for is here: Solea® Sleep
Dr. Hayslip uses Solea laser for treatment of snoring. Solea Sleep is an easy-to-administer protocol that tightens tissue in the soft palate and reduces vibrations that cause patients to snore. It provides rapid relief in a single, non-surgical treatment that takes 5 minutes.

Benefits of Solea Laser for Snoring

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Snoring can be solved with a simple laser treatment. This procedure is provided by highly trained dentists

  • Rapid Relief
  • No Surgery Needed
  • 5-minute Treatment in a Single Visit
determine which option
is best suited for you
Schedule an appointment
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ProSomnus® Sleep and Snore Device,
Design Beyond Compare

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ProSomnus Sleep Technologies uses the pinpoint accuracy of digital impressions and the precision of CAD/CAM milling to create the sleekest, longest-lasting, most accurately fitting appliance available in one little strong, comfortable, biocompatible, functional package.

The devices are warranteed for up to three years – the longest warranty on the market. And because impressions, files, and records are all stored digitally, a new appliance can be made instantly – no return visit to your dentist, no waiting for molds!

It’s intelligent engineering you will recognize – even in your sleep!

Benefits of OAT for Sleep Apnea

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Sleep Apnea can be solved with a customized appliance (like a retainer). This oral appliance is provided by highly trained dentists. According to the Department of Health, 80% of people prefer an appliance over a CPAP.

  • First-Line Treatment Option for Mild to Moderate Sleep Apnea
  • FDA Approved
  • Covered by Most Insurance Companies
  • Allows Sleeping in any Position
  • Comfortable to Wear
  • Completely Silent
  • Small & Lightweight for Easy Travel
  • Easy to Clean


TIRED OF CPAP? We have an alternative!

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With each apnea event, the brain briefly arouses people with sleep apnea in order for them to resume breathing, but consequently sleep is extremely fragmented and of poor quality.

Risk factors include being male, overweight, and over the age of forty, but sleep apnea can strike anyone at any age, even children. Yet still because of the lack of awareness by the public and healthcare professionals, the vast majority remain undiagnosed and therefore untreated, despite the fact that this serious disorder can have significant consequences.

Untreated, sleep apnea can cause high blood pressure and other cardiovascular disease, memory problems, weight gain, impotency, and headaches. Moreover, untreated sleep apnea may be responsible for job impairment and motor vehicle crashes. Fortunately, sleep apnea can be diagnosed and treated. Several treatment options exist, and research into additional options continues.

Want to Replace your CPAP?
Schedule an appointment
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Sleep Apnea / Snoring

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Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is the most common sleep disorder affecting over 18 million people in the United States. Sleep Apnea is characterized by loud or heavy snoring interrupted by the stopping of breathing for more than 10 seconds.

Under diagnosed and frequently dismissed simply as harmless yet annoying snoring, “obstructive sleep apnea” (OSA) is a very dangerous condition. If you or a loved one snore loudly at night, please have a sleep study done to rule out this potentially fatal condition.

The word “apnea” literally means “without breath.”

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How Does Sleep Apnea Occur?

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Snoring occurs when the airway or passage through which we breathe becomes partially blocked or occluded. An example would be a tongue that falls back as we drift off into deeper sleep. As the diameter or size of the airway passage is shrinking, the net result is a muffled sound secondary to vibrations in the throat, or snoring.

These incidences can happen many times per hour and hundreds of times in a night’s sleep. When breathing stops, the snoring stops until the individual chokes and gasps for air. They will awaken briefly, sometimes violently, interrupting their sleep patterns and in the morning will have no memories of these incidences.

There are three types of apnea. In all three, people with untreated sleep apnea stop breathing repeatedly during their sleep, sometimes hundreds of times during the night and often for a minute or longer.

Three Types of Apnea:

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  • Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) the most common is usually caused when the soft tissue in the rear of the throat collapses and closes completely during sleep.
  • Central sleep apnea is not caused by a blocked airway but rather the brain’s failure to signal the muscles to breathe.
  • Mixed apnea is a combination of the two.

With each apnea event, the brain briefly arouses people with sleep apnea for them to resume breathing, but consequently sleep is extremely fragmented and of poor quality.

Get to know us better

Introducing the DROWZLE® 
Sleep Health Program

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  • A digital and comprehensive digital sleep improvement program.
  • DROWZLE's personalized sleep health risk assessment determines factors that may be disrupting sleep with a patented overnight sleep breathing analysis and symptom review.
  • DROWZLE identifies behaviors and habits that can be modified to improve sleep.
  • The program helps determines the risk for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), a common sleep disorder affecting almost 30 million Americans, and guides those at risk to seek further evaluation and treatment through DROWZLE PRO, a FDA Cleared Home Sleep Test.

State of the Art
Dental Spa

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Work with Warner Robins's Dental Sleep Apnea Doctor to treat your sleep apnea

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Dr. Curtis O. Hayslip is a local dental leader in providing new treatments for patients with snoring, sleep apnea, and CPAP intolerance problems.

He has received special training in Dental Sleep Medicine at Dental Sleep MBA and is a Provider of FDA-approved Oral Appliance Therapy (OAT) for the many people with sleep breathing conditions.

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Our office is in-network with all major insurance providers. Please bring your insurance card to each appointment so we can make sure your information is as up-to-date as possible. If you do not find your insurance provider here; please call at (478) 298-5197 for clarity.





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Contact us to schedule a free consultation with us to learn more.

What Our Patients Say

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  • “Dr. Hayslip is the most caring and
    compassionate dentist I have ever seen”

    Emilia A.
  • “They care about you as a person and patient.”

    Danielle P.
  • “This is the office for you and your family. Pleasant, comfortable, compassionate, and an artist for your dental needs.”

    Bob E.
  • “The most wonderful practice in Middle Georgia. I’ve been a patient for 21 years and wouldn’t change for anything. Best of the best.”

    Tim C.
  • There is so much truth in the phrase “When you smile, the whole world smiles with you”!
    Thank you for changing my life.”

    Renee C.
  • “For the first time ever I actually smiled in my school picture.
    Thank you.. thank you.. thank you..”

    Tyler M.
  • “I’m glad I chose the BEST staff and Dr. Hayslip as my dentist!!”

    Bunny B.
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(478) 298-5197

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