Denture stabilization is an exciting new technology available in dentistry which can eliminate all the traditional issues associated with having dentures. Anyone who has dentures and has had to endure them sliding around inside the mouth while speaking or eating, will know how much of an embarrassment that can be, not to mention the inconvenience of it. Through denture stabilization, your denture can be locked firmly into place so you never have to worry again about slippage or movement.
The self-confidence you get from denture stabilization and not having to worry about slippage will literally make you a new person. Whereas before, you may have tried to hide your smile, and you may have been unable to speak clearly, now you'll have no such problems and all those issues will simply evaporate. It's not much of an exaggeration to say that you'll have a new lease on life, and you'll enjoy a great many of your normal activities much more than in the past, simply because you can be confident that your new teeth won't let you down.
In terms of what you can expect, the surgery which is necessary to install the titanium inserts is only minimally invasive, which means it will not cause major disruption in your mouth. It will still be necessary to numb the area where implants are installed, so at least a local anesthetic will be used. Patients who are more squeamish may require something more powerful, such as a general anesthetic. Once the surgery has been completed, you will only need enough recovery time in the office to allow the anesthetic to wear off, and then you can resume your normal activities. It will be several months before the fusion between the titanium implant and your jawbone is accomplished, and when that process has completed, it will be possible to snap your dentures into place on the titanium anchors.
If you take your oral health seriously and you have dentures or you're thinking about getting them, chances are you're a good fit for denture stabilization. All that's really necessary is that you have some good jawbone where the implants can be installed, because the titanium implants must be firmly anchored to the jaw. In some cases, we might even be able to restore enough jawbone to make the procedure successful, so by all means consult with us to see if you are a good fit for the procedure.
You don't have to put up with slipping dentures and all the inconvenience and embarrassment that causes you. Contact us today at the Middle Georgia Center for Cosmetic Dentistry, and let Dr. Curtis Hayslip transform your dentures into a rock-solid dental appliance which enhances your smile and improves functionality for speaking, eating, and all other oral actions.
Our office is in-network with all major insurance providers. Please bring your insurance card to each appointment so we can make sure your information is as up-to-date as possible. If you do not find your insurance provider here; please call at (478) 298-5197 for clarity.
New Patient: (478) 298-5197
Existing patients: (478) 929-2190
To Everyone
I have to start off by saying that Dr. Hayslip’s assistants are the most comical and friendly people I have ever met. I don’t think a second went by that I wasn’t laughing at something one of them said. Dr. Hayslip was just as funny and I could thank him a million for the great job he did on my teeth but that would still not be enough. I could say that I never in my life looked forward to going to the dentist until now, I’ve come to know every single person in the office and I’ll probably drop by just to hang out. For the first time ever I actually smiled in my school picture.
Thank you.. thank you.. thank you..
Dr. Hayslip,
For all you’ve done,
For all you do,
A special thanks
From me to You!
The kindness of the Doctor and the graciousness of his nursing staff made having my dental work almost pleasant. I’m glad I chose the BEST staff and Dr. Hayslip as my dentist!!
Bunny Black
Dr. Hayslip and Staff,
Happier more confident and younger looking are just a few of the feeling I am experiencing since Dr. Hayslip gave me my new gorgeous smile. He and his staff are not only professional and caring but they are compassionate as well. The whole experience was so pleasant and Dr. Hayslip takes great pride in his work and it shows. I couldn’t believe how beautiful the temporaries looked and the permanent are unbelievable.
There is so much truth in the phrase “When you smile, the whole world smiles with you”!
Thank you for changing my life.
Renee Caria
Due to my “bite” being off, my bottom front teeth were worn down and were very jiggered. I talked with my regular dentist, whom I had been seeing for many years, about what could be done to fix my bottom teeth. He didn’t seem to be too concerned. I assumed that his only solution was at some point in time he would fit me with a partial plate, or even worse- dentures. I was very disappointed.
Then, someone told me about the Medical College of Georgia School of Dentistry in Augusta, Georgia. I made an appointment to get an evaluation as to what could be done to save my bottom teeth. The representative told me that my bite was way off and in order to fix my bottom teeth, it would require extensive work throughout my whole mouth.
After I returned home, I noticed a sign in front of a dental office on Russell Parkway, MIDDLE GEORGIA CENTER FOR COSMETIC DENTISTRY. I made an appointment and visited this dentist to get his opinion on what could be done to save my bottom teeth. When Dr. Curtis
Hayslip looked at my teeth and my mouth, he gave me his recommendation, it was the same as the evaluation that I had received at the Dental School in Augusta.
I agreed for Dr. Hayslip to do whatever he deemed necessary to save my teeth. The total process involved grinding down all of my teeth and replacing them with crowns-28 crowns in all. Fitting the new crowns not only corrected my bite, it also enhanced my looks. The results were greater than my expectations. My new teeth looked perfect.
It has been over five years since I had all my teeth crowned and I have never regretted having it done. My new teeth not only helped my looks, but it also helped my self-esteem - I'm not embarrassed to smile now.
Thank you Dr. Hayslip for saving my teeth and improving my life.
Rose Johnson
Dear Dr. Hayslip,
I never realized how drastic the changes would be when I made the decision to have my Dura-thins applied to my teeth. Dr. Hayslip and I discussed the procedure and the outcome. However, I was so pleasantly surprised at how they looked. I used to dread smiling and hated seeing pictures of my teeth. Now, I receive so many compliments; I love to show my new smile! My only regret is that I did not do it sooner. I highly recommend Dr. Hayslip and his staff. They are a great team of professionals who get the job done and done well.
Wes Boone